Sign-Up Calendar

Procedure for making an instrument reservation:
  1. Log into the facility's online manager by clicking the "Instrument Sign-up Calendar" link. 
  2. You can view the current week or month by clicking in the upper-left portion of the calendar display or by toggling between "week" and "month" on the left side. You may also jump to a specific week by entering the date directly. Reservations can be made a maximum of four weeks in advance.
  3. By clicking in the upper-right portion of the calendar display, you can toggle between viewing each day in 24-hour mode or the default 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. mode.
  4. Add your reservation by clicking the available time cell corresponding to its start time. This brings up the "Add Event" window. Specify your reservation's end date and time (in units of 15 minutes minimum). Click the "Submit" button.
  5. If your reservation does not conflict with an existing reservation, the calendar should show that the time you reserved is blocked out, with your name on it.
  6. You may return to modify this reservation anytime by clicking on your name inside the reservation and then selecting either the delete or edit buttons. You can perform these modifications only if logged in as the user who made the reservation.  You cannot delete or edit reservations after the reserved time has started.
  7. Be sure to log out once you are finished.