The Digital Instruments EnviroScope Atomic Force Microscope (ESCOPE) combines AFM imaging with environmental controls and a hermetically sealed sample chamber to perform contact, lateral force, and TappingMode atomic force microscopy in air, vacuum, or a purged gas, as well as a heating environment. Advanced environmental capabilities allow users to observe sample reactions to various complex environmental conditions while scanning.

Preliminary Specifications

EnviroScope SPM
  • The NanoScope V SPM control station combines advanced analog and digital circuit designs with real-time software to provide superior multi-tasking control and enhance speed, sensitivity, resolution, and functionality
  • Sample stage range: 6mm XY; 14mm Z sample movement range
  • Sample Size: 30mm X-Y, 12mm Z
  • Scan Size: horizontal imaging area of 90-micron X-Y nominal maximum and a vertical range of 5-micro nominal maximum
  • Optics: Improved on-axis video optics with a 0.5mm field of view
  • Vacuum: A Varian Turbo-V70 vacuum pump downtime can be as quick as 10 minutes, depending on ESCOPE chamber cleanliness, with a 10-5 Torr vacuum capability
  • High-Temperature Heating Stage with Lakeshore Model 331 temperature controller included in the ESCOPE system. 
  • Temperature range: Room temperature (RT) to 185 °C in an ambient environment; RT to approx. ~ 275 ° C nominal at the sample surface in a vacuum