The Digital Instruments Nanoscope IIIa Dimension 3100 SPM system provides high-resolution 3D images to characterize many materials, such as nanoparticles, polymers, DNA, semiconductor thin films, magnetic media, optics, and other advanced nanostructures. SPM can provide a wealth of information, from topography and surface morphology to magnetic phase or friction analysis, including line width, grain size, thin film thickness, roughness measurements, surface sectioning, particle analysis, surface defects, pattern recognition, etc.
MFM image mode can scan samples in applied external magnetic fields, which is useful for high-resolution magnetic domain imaging under magnetic fields. The available magnetic devices can supply magnetic fields perpendicular (-0.25 T to 0.25 T) and parallel (-0.35 T to 0.35 T) to the sample surface.
This facility contains the following equipment:
- Dimension 3100 SPM Microscopy
- NanoScope IIIa System Controller
- D3100 Microscope Electronics Box
- Dual-monitor computer system for data analysis, imaging, manipulation, and presentation